
Friday, March 8, 2013


After mulling this over for nearly too long I've decided to enter my Dresden Reflections quilt in Sew-vivor: Season 2.  Thanks to everyone who commented on my last post, I appreciate all the input I received!  It was a hard decision because I love to sew all kinds of things.  It was hard to choose one item to represent me and what I do.  For anyone new stopping by, thanks for visiting!  I hope you like what you see here.  For those of you who already read my blog, sorry for the repeat pictures. 

 As I mentioned, this quilt is called Dresden Reflections.  It is made using a combination of parallelograms and the wedge created with the EZ Dresden ruler.  It also happens to be a jelly-roll friendly pattern, although I didn't use one this time.

 I love how it looks like curves, but I promise, every seam is 100% straight.  It is strip pieced and goes together more quickly than you might think as well.

 The pattern for this quilt can be found in Fat Quarterly Issue 12.  It is 39"x39" and is going to hang on the wall in my new studio.  This is actually the third quilt I've made with this basic idea.  You can see a tutorial for a different version here, and see another finished quilt here.   

 I had so much fun quilting this!  I've been working to expand my repertoire and really enjoyed quilting a different design in each color.

 The fabrics in this quilt are Pure Elements by Art Gallery, and the binding is Nature Elements in Charcoal.
I love the back of this quilt, you can see so much texture!  I used thread that matched the fabrics as closely as possible, so the quilting really stands out on the solid backing fabric.  It just makes me smile. =)

Thanks for stopping by!  I would love to participate in Sew-vivor.  There are some really stunning entries in the pool!  (For instance, #59 is my friend Camille.  Check out the amazing dress she made!  She's got mad skills.)  Best of luck to all who have entered!

Update:  The top ten were announced this morning, and I was not one of them.  There were 146 entries so I'm really not surprised.  I'll admit I'm disappointed though.  On the other hand, I've got a lot on my plate right now, and the added stress of the competition probably wouldn't fit into my life at this time anyway.  Good luck to all of the top ten!  I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


  1. I absolutely love this quilt. What an amazing piece!

  2. Oh my stars! This quilt is impeccable! Honestly, you have some serious skill & talent:) I love it!


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