
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Looking for Input

I need some input.  I recently heard about the Sew-vivor contest at Family Ever After, and I'd really like to enter.  The only problem is that you can only choose one item you've ever sewn as your entry, and I can't seem to decide!  I think I've narrowed it down to these two:  my most recent quilt finish, Dresden Reflections, or my munchkin's super-ruffled princess dress.  I made the dress in 2011 for Halloween (before I started this blog), and she wanted to wear it again in 2012.  It took so many hours to make, that was just fine with me.

So far quite a few people have chosen to enter dresses and only a few quilts have been entered.  As of now there are 80 entries, and only ten people will be chosen to participate.  It looks like a lot of fun!

So here's where you come in: do you have a preference?  Which one do you think I should enter?  Do you think I should enter something else entirely?  All comments would be very appreciated. =)  Thanks in advance!

Unfortunately I haven't done much sewing in recent weeks, besides the SLMQG's Sewing Saturday this past weekend.  I've been really busy assembling furniture for our bedroom (which is done now!) and now I'm working on assembling new wardrobes for my new and improved studio.  The most exciting news is that I ORDERED MY NEW LONGARM!!!!!!  It will be delivered sometime in the next 3-5 weeks, so I'm working on getting the space ready for it.  It's going to be great!


  1. I'd choose whichever took the most skill to make -- not necessarily the most time.

  2. Holy smokes! They are both incredible!! I'm partial to the quilt, because I love making quilts, too... Karen ^^ has some good input...

  3. Choose the one with the best photo. Both are just SUPER!!! You are a true Sew-vivor!

  4. Both are amazing but perhaps the quilt as I too noticed lots of frilly dresses.
    Best of luck!

  5. I love both of these as I do everything I've seen you make so either would be great!!...but another thing I was thinking was that ottoman rubix cube...I bet they won't see anything like that and it would stand out for sure!!!

  6. I love both of these as I do everything I've seen you make so either would be great!!...but another thing I was thinking was that ottoman rubix cube...I bet they won't see anything like that and it would stand out for sure!!!


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