
Friday, March 15, 2013


With Google Reader going out of service July 1st, I'm switching to Bloglovin', at least for now.  If you want to follow me, please do so here:
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
I've heard of some other services that people really like as well.  I still need to look into them.

In other news, I've been working hard on the rearranging of my studio.  It's almost done, enough that I actually took a break to work on bee blocks today.  More to come, sometime.  My computer died a few weeks ago, and while we do have all of our pictures backed up, I'm dreading the first time I put pictures on my new computer because there are SO MANY on the camera right now.  I've kind of been putting that off.  One of these days I'll get over it and just do it. =)

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