
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

WiP: Madrona Road MQG Challenge

I pulled out my Madrona Road challenge piece today to make some progress.  The national deadline is tomorrow, but I don't think I'm going to make it.  I'm at a point where I could finish, but I need to mull things over a little.

I had my center finished, as well as all of my teeny flying geese.  Today I used Poppyprint's tutorial to sew all of the FG into rows for the borders.  It worked so well, I will never go back.  Seriously, it was so easy to keep everything in order!

Here it is with the border on.  I continued the fabric placement from the trip around the world pattern into the flying geese, but decided against putting any in the corners.

I definitely like it, but I'm not quite feeling this one for some reason.  I was planning to make it into a bag, but I'm just not sure, so I'm going to think on it for a little longer.  Our local Salt Lake MQG deadline for the challenge is our March meeting, so I've still got a while to make up my mind and finish.

In other news, my little guy (20 months old) got glasses this week.  I was nervous about the whole process, but he is doing very well with them!  He cried when I took them off for his nap yesterday.
He just loved looking at himself in the mirror with his new glasses when we picked them up.

I'm SO EXCITED for tomorrow's post--it's a big reveal I've been dying to share since early December!

Linking up to Work In Progress Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.


  1. It looks fantastic.Great job!!

  2. I think it looks great too.
    I really struggled with this challenge as well, the colors and prints are not what I would usually choose. Finished mine today and happy to put it aside.

  3. Please tell your little sweet heart that he looks very handsome in his new specticles~! ♥♥♥


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