
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Making Memories

My munchkin (who is four) has been showing a lot of interest in sewing lately.  Today we decided to give it a go during her brother's nap time.

I let her choose her thread and bobbin color (purple and red), and she picked strings out of my scrap/strings bin, and we just started sewing.  At first I did the foot pedal for her, but within a short time she was doing it almost all by herself, with a little help staying straight and knowing when to stop.   You can see how she's sitting on the front edge of my chair here.  (This picture was tricky to take.)

I can't get enough of this face. =)  She said she would like to make it into a pillow, so that is what we will do.  I don't know if we'll use a pillow form or just stuff it, we'll see.
I'm such a proud mom!  She loved it and was so excited to tell her friend and my mother-in-law that she got to use Mommy's sewing machine today.  She told me that she wants to help me sew every day now. =)  I think I'll have to save some of the fabric I was planning on getting rid of so she can use it however she wants to.

I love this kid.


  1. What a DOLL! If she's already starting to sew, she's going to be ama-za-zing when she grows up! By the way, I LOVE the quilt you quilted for me!!! It looks AWESOME!!! Thank you sooooo much!!! Hugs!!! :)

  2. This is so special - you are making lovely memories for both Mom and Daughter. My Mum taught me to sew and was given a toy sewing machine at about 8. I rappidly out grew that one! But still have lovely memories spending time with her sewing.

  3. Hi Barbie! Your daughter is picking up the skills fast :) I just wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for a Liebster Award. You can read all about it here, and pass it on to other new or smallish blogs that you really love :)

  4. I love that your little girl is learning to sew. How cute. Hey, would you like to participate in a blog hop--the Leibster award? If you want to do it with me, it's on my blog Happy Sewing!

  5. That is just too cute. Kids make the neatest things. And are so fun when they want to be like mom (or dad).


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