
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Notting Hill Subway Quilt: Top Finished!

So yesterday was the perfect quilt photography day.  Did I take any photos?  No, I did not, because I wasn't ready to until after it was dark.  Oh well.  Today is so beautiful I just want to go outside, but not to take pictures.  It's a good walking day.

This top is officially done!  I was really nervous about all of the bias seams, but it worked out fine.  The fact that all of the seams are diagonal actually made the big seams joining the rows on straight grain, which made that part much easier than the alternative would have been, I think.  I like that all of the edges of the quilt are on straight grain as well.  
 Sorry for the wrinkles.  Ugh.  I only have so much time while my little guy is napping.  Can you say world's shortest napper?  And not because he is short, either.
 I love this quilt's zig-zaggy goodness, and the offset white strips.

And, just for fun, an angled shot.  Sorry again about the wrinkles.
I need to go finish doing some minor piecing for the back, and I'm crossing my fingers that I can get this quilted by tomorrow afternoon so I can take it for show and tell at the Salt Lake MQG meeting Thursday night.  Even if that doesn't happen, I'm still on schedule to get it done in time for Quilt Market!  (You can read about how this all came about in this post.)

 My cute babysitter, who was coming after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays, just made the NAL (National Academic League) team at her school.  I'm super excited for her, but I'm out of a babysitter for a while because she'll have practice instead.  That's okay though, I'm really glad she made the team.  She is really sharp and a hard worker.

Linking up today at WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.


  1. Very fresh and pretty! Congrats on the finish.

  2. This is beautiful work! I can't wait for the fabric and pattern to be released.

  3. Very nice, the colour combination is perfect! visiting from freshly pieced

  4. Very pretty fabric and I like the pattern.


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