
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Finished Notting Hill Subway Quilt

So this is very exciting and a little disappointing at the same time.  Exciting because I got to be a part of this wonderful thing making a quilt for Joel Dewberry with his new line, Notting Hill, and disappointing because I have positively DISMAL pictures of it.
This has been a really fun quilt to work on, and went together really fast.  Not counting quilting time, the whole thing only took about 12 hours to piece and bind, even with all of those bias seams.  Once I got through the first one the rest were a breeze--just pin carefully and let the feed dogs do the work, then press carefully too.  The hardest thing was folding it straight so I could trim off the edges--the bias strips just kind of ran off of the sides, and everything had to be squared up.  I needed an extra hand to make sure it was straight before I cut off those edges.

 This is the back.  This kaleidoscope print is GORGEOUS (like I said, dismal pictures) so it was the perfect choice to use in a large piece.  I love how it turned out.  You really have to see that print in person, it is fabulous.
I quilted it with wavy lines, and it looks great.  I really like this quilting pattern--it is quick and easy to do, and I love the look of it as well, even though it's blurry from trying to have a steady hand when not using the flash.
Ugh.  Photography and I are not friends.

The bias plaid is perfect for bindings, it kind of makes me happy.  This is the best picture I have of the quilt.  The pretty fabric on top happens to  be the kaleidoscope print again.  Doesn't it look so pretty up close?

So why do I have such terrible pictures?  Weather.  I knew I would be finishing the quilt Monday night, and that I would be meeting Laurie Dewberry on Tuesday to deliver it to her.  I called a friend and arranged for her to come help me take good pictures Tuesday morning.  She's a much better photographer than I am, and I wanted to get some good straight-on shots rather than just lying on the grass like I normally do.  And then it started raining last night.  And it kept raining until about 10 minutes before I gave the quilt to Laurie.  We had to take pictures in my horribly lit basement, and they just didn't turn out well.  I'm grateful for the rain--Utah is the second driest state, and we've had a dry year, so we needed every drop, but I'm still sad I don't have better documentation of this quilt that is somewhat momentous for me.  My friend took a few pics with her camera too, but she's had a very busy day and hasn't had a chance to send them to me yet.  Hopefully they turned out better than the ones with my camera.  Crossing my fingers.

If any of you are at Quilt Market this weekend, PLEASE take some better pictures for me.  I'd really appreciate it.

This pattern is called Subway, and I'm told it will be available as a free download from Joel Dewberry's website some time soon.

Notting Hill is beautiful.  I have loved working with it, and I'm glad to have some nice scraps left over too!


  1. This quilt is beautiful, Barbie! And I love the fabric! I'm sure Joel is so happy you did this for him! Your pictures don't look bad, but I'll try to find his booth while I'm at Quilt Market and see if I can take some more pictures for you! Hugs! :)

  2. The quilt turned out great! Congratulations!

  3. I know this post is a few years old, but do you know if the Subway pattern is available anywhere? I can't seem to find it.......


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