
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Amber's Quilt (Finally!)

I had a few technical difficulties with my equipment upgrades before I got started on Amber's quilt, so it got delayed by a few days several times.  It feels so good to finally have this finished!

Amber made this quilt using her husband's uniforms from Afghanistan.  She added a few other fabrics to make it large enough.  I love the idea of doing this--what a special keepsake!  I'm grateful to her husband and all of our armed forces who are serving to keep us safe in our country, and I'm happy for all the ones that come home safe.  My brother-in-law just went back yesterday after 2 weeks of R&R, so we're all thinking about him right now too.

Amber found a sheet to use on the back that was just the right color.  It was a little shiny but it matched really well.  I've heard that sometimes sheets can cause problems with the quilting, but it worked great in this case.  She wanted it machine quilted with stars and after I made a few suggestions, she decided on this stars and loops pattern.  There were a few spots that were really thick, such as pocket flaps with velcro, that were too thick to quilt through so I just had to go around them.  Luckily the Winline Batting I used can be quilted as far apart as 10 inches and still won't bunch or beard.  Even where I did go around pockets the quilting is still much less than 10 inches apart.
 I think it turned out really well!  I hope her family loves it.


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