
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Big Changes and Plans for Upcoming Projects

 I've been MIA--a lot--lately.  Explanation below.  For now I've got my hands on this stack of lovelies, and I need to figure out what to do with it.  I'll be adding a solid navy for backgrounds, but two quilts will be coming out of this stack, a baby quilt and an XL Twin. 
For this growing bump:
Yep, our family is growing.  #3 will be joining us in November.  So that's why it's been quiet here--I've been too tired to do much sewing after the kids are in bed, so I haven't been that productive, and when I have been productive I haven't felt like blogging.  I've got a few things recently finished or in the works that I'll be updating you on in the next two weeks, and then I'll drop in on a somewhat more regular basis for at least a little while.  Come November, I may just drop off the face of the Earth again. =)
I'm pretty sure what I want to do for this little guy's big-boy quilt, but I'm having a harder time deciding on his baby quilt.  The fabric I decided on is Technicolor by Emily Herrick, which I got from Fabric Worm.  I was lucky enough to randomly win a $25 gift certificate from participating in the Blogger's Quilt Festival, which helped make a significant dent in my fabric purchase.  I LOVE this fabric.  The colors are unbelievably vibrant, you really have to see them.  
I want my boys' quilts to semi-coordinate because they will likely be sharing a room for a while when they are a little older, but I still want them to have their own personalities.  I made these for my first little guy.  Please forgive the lighting in the spiderweb quilt pic, it isn't that yellow.  My little guy is also a lot bigger now.
I'm thinking that this time around I want to do a variation on Katy's Marbles quilt in this post for the XL twin and maybe something kind of like this for the baby quilt, possibly with longer, strip-pieced triangles to kind of coordinate with the spiderweb quilt.  What do you think?  The navy backgrounds will tie everything together pretty well, even though the other fabrics will be so different.
Here's a little teaser, a better shot of the quilt in the "bump" picture above.  I just pulled this off the frames yesterday.  
I'm loving the view of my design wall right now too--those are the blocks that I asked my local bee members to make for me, and I love how they turned out!  I don't have time to do anything with them right now, so they are just up there looking pretty for now.  I was planning on putting the design wall on the wall to the right (the other half is over there), but there isn't enough room to walk past the longarm.  I have to move it back and forth depending on which cabinet I want to get into.  It's not perfect, but it works fine.

Thanks for reading, I'll be back in a few days with another update.  Really. =)

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