
Saturday, January 12, 2013

100th Post: Plans for 2013

I've been thinking a lot about what I want to say in this post for 2013.  Here we are almost halfway through January, so apparently I've been taking my sweet time doing it.

2012 took some unexpected turns for me.  I had no idea I would start my own business, but here I am!  Having my own business, however small, has been such an adventure.  I pretty much only work while my kids are asleep or for a couple of hours here and there when I hire a babysitter.  Despite the short hours, it gives me another sense of purpose in addition to being everything for two fantastic little kids that make me laugh and grow so much as a person.  Yes, I stress about deadlines, which I'm sure does detract from my effectiveness as a parent,  but I'm still grateful for where things are headed.

So what did I actually accomplish in 2012?
I completed 32 sewing projects, including 9 quilts (two for customers, but I made the whole quilts start to finish so I'm counting them in this list), 4 pillows, two dresses and two skirts for my munchkin, and a bunch of various other things, like an ottoman that looks like a Rubik's cube (which my husband loves).

I machine quilted 20 other customer quilts and 5 charity quilts.
I got to participate in the EZ Dresden Challenge Blog Hop.
When I actually put the numbers down, it may not look like that much.  I wasn't expecting my business to explode, and honestly I'm still not ready for that.  I'm pleased with what I've been able to do in the amount of time I have.  It has certainly been my most productive year yet.
I also joined the Salt Lake Modern Quilt Guild and the Salt Lake/Ogden Longarm Guild this year, and have learned so much from both groups.
My quilting skills have improved so much.  I'm confident with more designs, and gaining control and experience with every quilt that I do.  I can't wait to show you the one I just finished--it's a beauty, if I do say so myself. =)

I also consider myself a quilter now, not just "someone who makes quilts sometimes."

So what promises does 2013 hold?
The biggest news is that I'm actually going to get a real longarm.  Soon.  Everything has fallen into place except for one thing, which I should be able to take care of soon.  That will be for another post.

Here's my list of goals for 2013, in somewhat the order I plan to do them:
1.  Finish Maasai Mara X strings quilt
2.  Madrona Road MQG Challenge (I've actually got a good start on this, post coming soon, I think)
3.  Mod Pop Variation--I want to have this done by mid April
4.  HMQS Flutter Challenge---I really hope I get to do this one, I need to get on it
5.  Kona jelly roll Dresden Wave variation (I'm so excited for this one, too bad it has to wait until after these other ones)
6. Notting Hill dress for my munchkin
7.  2 Heirloom voile shirts for me
8.  Finish my mini bargello
9.  Finish an old star quilt UFO and donate it to Phoenix Quilts
10.  Apple of my Eye charity quilts--Starburst Quilt Along with Happy Quilting--will also go to Phoenix Quilts
11.  Bind a baby quilt that I made at a conference last year
12.  Design and make a Christmas tree skirt (this may not happen this year, we'll see)
13.  Quilt as many customer quilts as I can, and improve my free motion skills as well as using rulers and templates while quilting.  Master stitching in the ditch.
14.  Above all, be a good mommy in the midst of all of this.  Be present with my kids, rather than having my mind in my studio while I'm with them.  Aren't they cute?

In reference to #10 above, I need to find a good shade of aqua/turquoise that coordinates with Apple of my Eye.  I think I may order a whole bolt of Kona for backings.  Anyone happen to know of one?

It's exciting to write all of this down.  I'm happy to look forward to this new year and all that it holds.

As a special 100th post thank you to all of you that read my little blog I'd like to have a small giveaway.  I'm offering your choice of $20 off of any quilting service, which will be filled at any time during 2013 after my new longarm arrives, or four fat quarters of Joel Dewberry's Modern Meadow line.   Prints include Nap Sak, Herringbone, and Acorn Chain in Lake, and Dogwood Bloom in Pond.  To enter, please leave a comment, any old comment.  International entries are welcome.  If you're a no-reply blogger, please make sure to leave your email address so I can contact you.  I'll announce a winner sometime on Friday, January 18th.

Giveaway closed.  Winner is #4, Mom C!

Thanks for reading!  Here's to the next 100 posts and a great 2013!


  1. What a great year you had and the year ahead, may it be more than you dream for!
    I too have made a good start on my Madrona Road challenge, now just to quilt and bind.

  2. That"s quite a list for the coming year but I bet you make short work of it going by your previous finishes. love your log

  3. My goal for the year is also to master stitch in the ditch! My current problem is I'm just too impatient... I end up going to fast and wobbling all over the place. But it is slowly getting better!

  4. You really have accomplished a lot this year. Congrats. I'm hoping to do the Starburst Quiltalong but I can't decide on my color pallet! I'm glad you put #14 down. You'll be able to quilt for a long time but there are only a few years that your children will allow you so much involvement in their lives and once it's gone, it's gone. Good luck with everything! And thanks, I enjoy your blog.

  5. What a great list you have here, both of what you accomplished and how you want to shape 2013. I think you are such a great quilter! Both quilts you’ve done for me have turned out beautifully and I’m excited to send you more in 2013!


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