
Friday, December 21, 2012

Some Last Minute Gifts

Wednesday it suddenly occurred to me that it might be nice to make gifts for my munchkin's preschool teachers.  Not sure why that hadn't crossed my mind before!  When I dropped her off I asked what their favorite colors were, and was told blue and yellow.  I decided to make some simple zipper pouches and started pulling fabrics.
 I don't have a lot of yellow in my stash, so the yellow one turned out decidedly more orange, so I hope she likes it anyway!  This was my first time making tabs to cover the end of my zippers.  I found a tutorial on how to do it here, and kind of faked it from there.  I'd like to try Elizabeth Hartman's Perfect Zip Pouch pattern sometime.  I should have shortened my zippers a little bit more--my tabs ended up being very small!  The pouches turned out cute, and it was a good learning experience on top of that.  We'll be delivering them today.  I hope my munchkin's teachers love them!

We went to visit my brother yesterday, so I whipped up some simple drawstring bags for his girls.  They love to carry around little treasures.  They live just over an hour away.  He is my geographically closest family member, so I'm glad we are close enough to see each other relatively often.  Our kids really enjoy playing together too.

I'm linking up today at Link a Finish Friday at Richard and Tanya Quilts and Finish it Up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts.


  1. Really like the zippy pouches! I haven't mastered those little tabs yet, so will be checking out that tutorial :) glad to have found you! x

  2. Very kind and thoughtful gifts, well done! Have a Merry Christmas!

  3. the pouches are lovely and the part around the zippers really looks clean. nicely done!

  4. Love the pouches. One of these days I am going to have to make me a bag. My daughter loves the few that we have won on blogs. Not that I am a bag type of guy but my daugheter would be delighted if I made some. Thanks for linking up this month.

    Richard and Tanya Quilts
    Track My Shows


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