
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Finished Scrappy Plus Quilt AND Aprons!

I finished up my sister's plus quilt yesterday during my little guy's nap.  I had started it 8 days before, so I think that's pretty great!  I'm usually not so fast doing a whole quilt from start to finish.
 There are 70 squares, 6.5" finished, with the quilt ending up at 45.5" x 65".  It should be just the right size for my 5-foot-tall sister, K.  She's so cute and little. =)  I quilted it with a simple meander, and actually got the whole thing quilted in just over half an hour.  Score!  Fast and done is good one week before Christmas when you have to get something in the mail.

This quilt was made from leftover fabric from aprons that I make for my sister, who has cerebral palsy and is not the neatest eater.  When my Mom asked me last Sunday to make her a quilt, I said I'd be able to if I postponed the new aprons I was planning on making.  Well, last night after the kiddos were in bed I decided to see how much I could get done on the aprons anyway, and I am happy to report that I finished all 5 that I had cut out!  It was speed sewing the whole way, which works perfect for these because they will be used and used and used until they wear out.
 They really are more of an oversized bib, but work really well for what K needs.  When I made the first one many years ago I put a button closure on it.  We quickly realized that the hole was large enough for K to just pull over her head, so I never did another button--it works best for her if I just sew it together at the top.  I also used to use the same fabric on both sides, but she got confused about which side to have facing out, so I always do them with two different fabrics now.  K loves to coordinate colors, and will always try to wear an apron that matches her shirt that day.

My little guy had to get in this picture with one of his cars:

Here's my munchkin practicing using her scissors to cut the wrapping paper to wrap up the aprons.  She helped wrap the quilt first.  We got everything off to the post office, and it should arrive by the end of the week! (Insert huge sigh of relief here.)  I'm so glad that I was able to make this quilt for my sweet sister, as well as the aprons that she needed.  Some of her older ones are wearing out.  I hope she loves them!

Linking up to Link a Finish Friday at Richard and Tanya Quilts.

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