
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Work In Progress: Unquilting

Ugh.  I don't usually mind using my seam ripper, but when it comes to unpicking quilting, that just isn't true.
 I'm working on this quilt for my cute friend Julie, and figured that between last night and tonight, I should be able to get the quilting done.  Well, I rolled it for the second time to find this huge, nasty tuck in the flannel backing about a foot from the side.  YUCK!  I think I know what made it happen, and how to avoid it in the future, but this equals maybe 1 1/2 square feet of quilting to unpick.

Luckily I have my favorite "seam ripper" to help me--the Famore 4.5" EZ Stitch Snip with Hook.  I wouldn't use this as a regular seam ripper, but it's perfect for removing little quilting stitches.  The hook is small enough to fit into small stitches, but it doesn't have a blade on that part, so it's safe and won't cut the quilt.  The spring action is great.  I just love these snips.  I also just wish I didn't have to use them so much....

I think I've got about half of the offending area taken out now.  It is slowing down the process, but I'm glad I caught it when I did.  I can't send this darling quilt back to Julie with an ugly tuck like that.

Here's a little of the quilting on the front.  More pics to come!

On another note, I bought my first full 30-yard roll of batting this week.  Here's my daughter rolling around on it in the kitchen.  In the past I've purchased my batting 5, 10, or 15 yards at a time.  This is also 120" wide, so there is a lot of it!

Linking up to Work in Progress Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.


  1. Lots of sympathy for the quilt unpicking. I hope it goes faster and easier than you expect. I have a giant roll of batting like that. Now I know just what to do with it when I need a laugh :-)

  2. Ooh...I feel your "reverse sewing" pain! My quilt guild said "un-picking" is a dirty word and we should all say "reverse sewing"--it makes me laugh when I've caught myself in the same predicament! :)

  3. I'm doing the same thing tonight - except that my problem is generation smooth enough lines. I'm going to get some starch tomorrow and spray my machine! I hope that helps!


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