
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Just a Bit Biased

I've been working a lot (in what time I have with two little kids) on the Notting Hill Quilt for Joel Dewberry.  The pattern is called Subway, and will be available as a free download at some point from Joel Dewberry's website.  The tricky thing about this pattern is that, in order to keep the fabrics correctly oriented, everything is cut and sewn on the bias.  I think it is worth it because I really like how it is looking so far!  This is the top panel.  There will be two more panels that will essentially be the same, and two that will be somewhat different and use the other fabrics in this colorway.

 I was a little worried about how all of these bias edges would sew up, and especially didn't want them to get distorted during sewing or pressing. So far, so good!

I've been really careful while sewing these, focusing on not pulling the fabrics at all, and letting the feed dogs do the work.  It has worked really well, and I'm not scared of these bias edges any more.

Aren't these fabrics just lovely?  My two favorites are the Kaleidoscope print in the center below, and the Historic Tile in the center in the above photo.  I also really like the Tartan, which is a bias plaid, but looks straight because it is cut on the bias.  Ha.  Irony?
The Pristine Poppy print is my other favorite.  The poppies are very realistic, down to the leaf shape.  We have poppies in our yard and they are a favorite in our family.  I've had bits of the song "In Flanders Fields" running though my head as I've been sewing, but I can only remember bits because it has been a LONG time  since we sang it in my high school choir.  "In Flanders fields, the poppies grow...."  I need to look it up.

I'm really pleased with how this is coming together.  I have the rest of the pieces all cut, and most of them at least sewn to the white strips that separate each fabric.  Joel leaves for Quilt Market on October 25th, so I have to have it done and delivered by the 24th.  Sooner will be better, but this is going together quickly so I don't think that will be a problem.

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