
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Decisions, decisions

Do you remember this dress?

I made this for my daughter this summer, although now it has a tie that goes around the waist and ties in the back just above these cute ruffles.  This was the dress that inspired my tutorials on professional seam finishes.  The last time I shared this picture, I said something about "I can't wait to get pictures of my daughter twirling in it."  Well, I haven't taken any yet.  I may not get to.

She doesn't like the dress.

She says it's too long, which I can fix, and that it's the wrong color.  I can't do anything about that.

So I'm thinking about selling it.  Whenever I've thought in the past about making dresses to sell, I've thought, "There's no way I could sell them for enough to make it worth my time."  Well, here I've got a dress I've already made, and I have gotten quite a bit of satisfaction from it (it won Best of Show in my county fair and a blue ribbon at the Utah State Fair), but the ultimate satisfaction of seeing my daughter wearing it to church and me hearing compliments from my friends (I'm not gonna lie, I love recognition) just isn't going to happen, at least not yet.  There's always a chance she'll change her mind, even though it's been two months and she still doesn't like it.  So maybe I could list it on Etsy and see what happens.  I might cry if it sells, but I might cry if it doesn't.  I don't even know if I want to sell it.  The thought of some other little girl twirling in it kind of makes me happy too.

I'm just a little heartbroken.  At least she's honest with me.


  1. So sad. My daughter still prefers her Target comforter to the quilt I made for her bed. She made my mom cry Christmas morning when she threw the I-spy quilt on the floor that grandma had made for her for Christmas. I'm finally accepting that my daughter and I have different views on what a quilt should be. I should probably just teach her how to quilt and let her make her own. Good luck!

  2. Have you heard anything about the dress yet? What size would you say it was and how much were you thinking?


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