
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Julie's Quilt #1

On our way south to California a few weeks ago, we stopped in St. George, UT (at a gas station, of all places) and met with Julie to exchange some quilts.  I had 5 finished Phoenix Quilts to give to her, and she had two quilts that she had made and wanted me to quilt.  I finished one of them, and I'll be doing the other one for her in a couple of weeks.

 Isn't this precious?  She made this for her 3-year old granddaughter.  My almost 4-year-old loved it, so I'm sure her granddaughter will too!  She did a great job with her piecing and applique.  So cute!

 I outlined the appliques and did the rest in an allover meander with flowers and loops.   It turned out really cute!

 Julie used two colors of minky on the back.  It is so snuggly!  This was my first time quilting with minky, and it worked pretty well.  It made my machine skip stitches a few times, so I had to unpick a little more than I would have liked, but it turned out great.
The minky really makes the quilting stand out.

I also did the binding on this one, even though I didn't get any close-up pics.

I met Julie today in another parking lot, this time in Salt Lake City.  She was on her way to visit her grandkids and deliver this quilt, and we needed to pick up a bike at Toys'R'Us for my daughter's upcoming birthday (shh, she doesn't know we actually got it, even though she was there!) so I took the quilt with me to help shorten her travel time.  All three times I have met Julie have started either in parking lots or at gas stations... I promise we're not doing anything shady!  It does kind of make me laugh.

Julie seemed really happy with the quilt!  I hope her granddaughter loves it!

I also delivered two more Phoenix Quilts that were made by two of my friends from the Salt Lake Modern Quilt Guild.  I'm glad to know such wonderful people.


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