
Friday, August 10, 2012

Weber County Fair 2012

Our County Fair is this week.  Our family went yesterday to enjoy some of the festivities.  

I was thrilled that of the six items I entered, they all got blue ribbons, and two won Best of Show!

This was my daughter's Halloween Costume, and when I entered it, it was in the "Children's Costumes" category.  I guess they did some shuffling and put it in the "Formal Wear" category instead.  Kind of makes me chuckle!  This dress has about 580 inches of ruffles, all professionally finished on the inside.  I *may* have gone overboard on this one, considering it was for Halloween.  Maybe.

This one that I quilted for Mary also got a blue ribbon!  Congrats, Mary!

My kids loved the animals.

The pony ride is actually a good deal at the county fair.  Especially if there isn't a line, the guy who runs it will pretty much let your kid ride until there is one.  This munchkin got to go around and around and around and around....  She loved it.  She told us it was her favorite thing about the fair.  I'm not surprised.

 Why, hello there!

I taught junior high up until my little guy was born, and a lot of the kids from my school raise animals for the fair.  It is always fun to see some of them!  I miss those kids, but I'm glad to be doing what I'm doing now. 

Some of the other quilts at the fair this year were awesome....  I'll share a few pics of those tomorrow.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. WOW!!! Congratulations on all of your ribbons!!! I can see why you got them! Your work is beautiful! I wonder if I'll ever get a ribbon on any of my quilts??? :)

  3. Were you happy with your wins? I was excited for you! :) And I'm glad to hear that someone else misses "their" kids from jr. high, even if I do (mostly) love what I'm doing now! ;)


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