
Friday, April 13, 2012

Up on the Wall

Tonight the quilt is up on my design wall. 

It was kind of a daunting task to get it all up there without any accidental mutations (sorry, I couldn't resist the joke) so my husband came up with the brilliant idea to assign each kind of half-square triangles a number, 1-4, and write down each row, 4 1 3 2 etc., to get it all in the right order.  I laid my HST piles on my ironing board, with each color facing the right direction, and he read off the numbers and made sure I grabbed them from the right pile.  Together we got the whole thing up in the right order in about fifteen minutes.  No wonder his nickname at work is "Captain Efficiency."

The quilt will have a dark green border, back, and binding.  I'll be quilting it in variegated thread to pull all the colors together.  I'm really excited about the quilting pattern---it is going to look like chromosomes.  This is totally bringing out my inner geek.

Just FYI, here is what each color/directional HST represents:
Orange: A (adenine)
Yellow: C (cytosine)
Red: T (thymine)
Brown: G (guanine)

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