
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Work in Progress: QAYG Diaper Bag

I'm working on a new diaper bag right now.  The one we have is almost 5 years old and getting pretty worn out.  I'm glad it has held up as well as it has, and I've loved using it, but it's time for a new one with a new baby on the way.  I'm using a pattern that I designed myself, and is pretty much the same as our current diaper bag (which I also made).

I'm using Soft and Stable for the body of the bag and I'm liking it so far.  I'm curious to see how it stands up once the bag is finished.  The instructions say it isn't necessary to quilt it, but I knew I wanted to with this to help the fabric hold up a little better.  My old bag is made from home dec. fabric so it is naturally a lot sturdier than quilting cotton.  I hope this new bag holds up well.
Using "Soft and Stable" for QAYG

This is also my first time doing quilt-as-you-go.  I'm really enjoying the process--I don't usually do anything close to improv, and this has been really fun.
QAYG Diaper Bag side 1

I have both sides done and I'm getting close on finishing up the end pieces.
QAYG Diaper Bag side 2

I just love the texture!

I also recently re-covered my ironing board.  My old cover somehow got covered with ink, so a new one was a high priority.  I found this cute DS Quilts print at JoAnn's.  I don't use fabric from there much anymore due to a seriously faded quilt, but the higher quality prints are still okay.  Right now my ironing board is a big staging area, holding fabric I'm working with and pieces of soft and stable waiting to get used.  I like the new cover a lot, it's nice to have a happy splash of color.
new ironing board cover--covered with fabric
Linking up today to WiP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Little Quilters

A couple of weeks ago I loaded my munchkin's doll quilts on the longarm and let her quilt them.  This was her first time using the big machine, and she did pretty well!

I love the look of concentration on her face.
Munchkin Quilting 2

We didn't worry about any quilting pattern, I just let her play, although I kept saying, "Slow down."
Munchkin Quilting 1

Little brother had to get in on the action too.  He kept saying, "A try?  A try?" It didn't take him long to find the start/stop button, so I had to turn it off and just let him push it around for a minute.  He's not as good at listening to requests to slow down. =)
Little Guy "quilting"

My munchkin was so excited about her quilts.  I still have to do the binding, hopefully that will happen soon.
I made this!

I've been busy on several other projects as well, some of which are finished, so I should be sharing those in the semi-near future.